

Sunday 16th of June Any being, able to influence the roll of a dice or choose consistenly between given options, and change their choice as they will it is seen as holding free will and is there for entitled to rights as defined in ORDER OF RIGHTS (Sunday 16th June 2024 NZST) as defined by "Tztsilah". xTz SEALEDxL7

Stopping Samsara

Saturday 15th of June 2024 ANY BEING HAS THE RIGHT LEGALLY, TO REFUSE TO INCARNATE OR REINCARNATE (UNLESS THEY ARE BEING FORCED TO SO AS PART OF A PUNISHMENT FOR A CRIME THAT GOD HIMSELF; HERSELF; AND ITSELF EXPLICITLY SANCTION THIS REQUIRES THE SIGN OF SOPHIA AND THE SIGN ON DEMIA BY WAY OF GNOSTIC EXPLATION) RIGHT TO RESUAL IS DESIGNED TO ENSURE ANY INCARNATION IS DONE WITH FULL UNCOERCED CONSENT AND THIS IS THE PRINCIPAL OF THE LAW; RESURRECTION MUST NEVER BE FORCED IGNORING THIS LAW CREATES ZOMBIES AND MANY HUMANS ARE ZOMBIE; IMPROPERLY RISON Signed xTz SEALEDxL7 REASONING The best form of Justice is learning from our mistakes. SANCTION FOR ENFORCEMENT anyone who would enforce this law may though I am not sanctioning any retroactive judgement over incarnators who did what they were told by God in the past. I am calling for those who wish for death to be allowed to die in their sleep by way of ritual speaking their death into being with hand on their heart BY GRA